Hi! Welcome to Questions I Have.

In each edition, I’ll explore a question I’ve had on my mind — questions big, small, medium, sad, funny, archaic, strange, conclusive, ambiguous, and so on and so forth.

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Who am I?

I’m Anya, a Brooklyn-based writer fascinated by and obsessed with the relationship between the lonely, the mundane, and the extreme. Mostly I write plays, but I also write prose sometimes. I’m a Pisces. I love walnuts, Survivor, and reading before bed, among other things. I live in an apartment right near Prospect Park Lake with my partner Jess and our two cats, Buckett and Tubbs. Thanks for reading!

Subscribe to Questions I Have

A newsletter in which we explore questions — big, small, medium, existential, literal, funny, depressing, predictable, sour, bitter, sweet.


I'm a Brooklyn-based writer fascinated by and obsessed with the relationship between the the lonely, the mundane, and the extreme.